Common Cat Problems Solved: Separation Anxiety
Question: My cat really hates to be left alone. When I leave the house for any extended period of time, such as to go to work or out for a social occasion, I return to a scene of devastation and a very unhappy cat. I can hear my cat crying out for me as I leave the house, and while I'm not there, they have a habit of destroying furniture and knocking things over. I can't always be at home - so how do I stop it? Answer: One of the most common causes of this is loneliness, as this ...

How Noise Aversion Can Work For You
Training a cat does not need to be any more difficult than training a dog. In fact, you will find that as long as you are faithful to the principles of cat training and discipline, that your cat will respect your authority and behave more reasonably. However, it is important to remember that the conferment of this power should not be seen as licence to go overboard with the punishment. One mistake that any pets owners make is in thinking that all old wives’ tales work because there is some truth in there, somewhere. When you think about it, a ...

Problem Miaowing – How To Hush Your Cat
We all love cats. They are endlessly entertaining, cute as anything, and despite what some people might think they are highly affectionate. Indeed, once you have got the friendship of a cat you are pretty much set for life with your pet. They are highly faithful animals. That’s not to say, though, that they cannot get on your nerves from time to time. There’s no harm in that, really. Humans do that. But sometimes it can become a problem if their behavior gets to a stage where they are more annoying than affectionate. One of the more common problem behaviors ...

Cat Training Tips

Cats want to please their human. They want to fit into the household routines....

There is absolutely no doubt that cats are among the most inquisitive creatures...

Training a cat does not need to be any more difficult than training a dog. In fact,...
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It is certainly true that pain acts as a deterrent for just about any sentient creature....

It is frequently said that cats are not pets in the typical sense of the word. That...

We all love cats. They are endlessly entertaining, cute as anything, and despite...
Read More Posts From This CategoryCommon Cat Problems Solved

Some cat tips. First and most important, never hit your cat no matter what it is doing wrong in your opinion. All hitting a cat will do is make it afraid of you and that will make it much harder to train your cat. There are some purchases that justify spending the extra dollar and what your cat eats is definitely one of them. The difference between... [Read more of this article]

Question: My cat really hates to be left alone. When I leave the house for any extended period of time, such as to go to work or out for a social occasion, I return to a scene of devastation and a very unhappy cat. I can hear my cat crying out for me as I leave the house, and while I’m not there, they have a habit of destroying furniture and... [Read more of this article]

Question: Whenever I try and bathe my cat, I have a real fight on my hands. My cat will bite, scratch and claw at me in an attempt to get free, making the entire experience an absolute nightmare. I need to know how to bathe a cat – how do I do so without losing blood and making both cat and myself angry? Answer: Cats are not big fans of water,... [Read more of this article]

Question: My cat does not seem to understand that he / she is not allowed to eat human food. They will often steal food off the kitchen counter or our dinner plates if we happen to turn our backs for one second. They are extremely sneaky and make life very unpleasant, as we have to constantly be on our guard. How do we teach them that they cannot eat... [Read more of this article]

Question: We are a multi-cat household, and one of the cats is bullying the other animals in the house. They are generally very aggressive, to the point where the other cats fear the bullying cat and will not eat or drink when this cat is around. I love all my cats, but this can’t continue – what can I do? Answer: While cats are not pack... [Read more of this article]

Question: I have more than one cat in my household, and the cats fight with each other continually. Sometimes, it can even become so aggressive I fear for their safety. What should I do? Answer: There are two, very different reasons, two cats (or more) could be fighting. Firstly, there may be genuine emotional issues between the two. Some cats, just... [Read more of this article]
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