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Holiday Training Your Cat

 With all the holiday's coming up soon, there is still time to get your cat trained for the holidays. You will want to search out tips on saving the tree and table for the holidays, with your cat around.

One thing you can start with is getting the cat some items that they would be able to play with that would represent the holidays. Cats like flashing lights and sparkly things. This you may want to stay away from with your decorations so there is no problem.

Once you get some items for the cat, start to play with them with your cat so that they will be interested more in the toys that you gave them, then one ones that you are putting up. When you are putting yours up make sure the cat has their around to play with. This will be good as if the cat does try to play with the decorations you can tell them no in a stern voice, and show them the ones that they are able to play with.

The family and you should be at all tease the cat with the decorations. This will only make them think that it is fun and games, and then the training will be over. A good idea to use is the clicker trainer, this way if you see them playing with the items you can click, and they should stop. This also would be a great time to look for holiday presents and treats for the cat. Make sure you remember your cat at the holidays, as they are your friend and they like presents too.

A nice blanket, special pillow, even catnip plant would be just some things to mention for the present. New treat for the training would be another great idea when looking for the perfect gift for the cat. A new scathing post or one that maybe added on to the other one that they might have to make it better and bigger. A new leash or harness would be another great item, or something that they may not have. You can search the internet at the different pet sites for new and different items to get ideas for your pet. Make sure you wrap the item to put under the tree for Christmas, as the cat will have fun with the paper and the new gift.

With the tree, if you get a real tree make sure, there is plenty of water in the base, and you will want to cover it as good as you can so that the cat does not think they can drink that. Make sure the presents are not one that you want open so that incase the cat decides it is play time and tears them open. Decorations should not be down on the bottom of the tree. This will only temp your cat to play with the decorations.

One the fireplace mantel you will want to make sure the items are in place so that if your cat is a climber that they are unable to get maybe a sock to get up on the mantel or other items that maybe hanging from the mantel. Cat love to jump and climb with this would be fun for your cat.

Cats do not like having the nails and paws caught in lose fabric. Getting some netting and using around some of the decoration that maybe be temping the cat could help you out. Make nice netting bows large enough for the tree around the bottom this way the cat will stay away. Gather the netting and put around decorations that the cat may want play with.

Holidays are fun for both the family and your cat. Make sure your cat is included in activities around the holiday and not forgotten. They will enjoy it as much as you do. Not including them may cause damage to the holidays and for the cat, feeling left out. Have a great holiday, and don't forget to get a gift for your friend , your cat

About the author:

Tony Robinson is a webmaster, international author and cat lover. Visit his website at

 Tony Robinson

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