Preventing Your Dog From Catching Diseases
Like any other pet, dogs, if not properly cared and maintained,
could get diseases. Here are some parasites that cause dog
- Heartworm. Mosquito bites cause heartworm to exist in a dog
and will reside in your pet's heart and nearby blood vessels. A
dog infected by heartworms looks dull and may even have a
chronic cough. If possible, ask your veterinarian if your dog
could be given a heartworm medication when it is the season of
- Hookworm. Hookworms can be given by the mother dog to a puppy
during the nursing period or even before birth. Hookworms cause
dog anemia and appetite loss.
- Roundworm. The transmittal of roundworms is very much like how
hookworms get transmitted in a dog. An infected dog usually has
a potbelly. Roundworms cause pneumonia, diarrhea, dehydration,
stunted growth, and vomiting.
- Tapeworm. A dog gets tapeworms if it swallows fleas that are
larvae-laden. Much of the symptoms that are obvious rarely show,
but in the dog's feces, you could see deposits of rice-like
- Whipworm. A dog infected with whipworms may have diarrhea and
other ailments like, stool mucus, and serious bowel
inflammation. Extreme weight loss is also a symptom caused by
- Fleas. Fleas, the commonest among external parasites, cause
the dog to continuously scratch various parts of the body. This
results to fur loss. Ask your veterinarian on a good
flea-control program, since fleas could become resistant to some
products over time.
- Lice. Lice can infect less common compared with fleas. Plus,
they can be controlled easier.
- Ticks. Ticks can pose more serious problems than fleas because
diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, or Lyme disease, can
be contracted with ticks. Tweezers can be used to remove ticks
one by one. If you do not know how to remove ticks properly and
carefully, ask your vet first. If you do know how, ticks should
be placed in a can with soap and water.
Treating dog diseases
Some ways of treating dog diseases that your vet might use:
- Pills
- Liquid medicine
- Eye drops and ointment
- Ear drops and ointment
With proper care and prevention, your pet dog would be generally
free and safe from various diseases. If you notice something's
wrong with your dog, immediately consult with your vet. You will
never know what might happen.
About the author:
Jack Russell is a a long time dog fancier, visit his Dog
Resources Blog and download his Free Dog Owners Handbook - it's
Dog Gone Good!
Jack Russell
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