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Training a Cat to a New Environment

 When bringing home a new cat or kitten to a different environment with other pets and additional family members this does not have to be an overwhelming experience for the new cat or kitten and family. Cats and kittens adjust quickly to different environments than we do. Depending on the nature, breed and the environment of a new cat or kitten is how they will adjust. Kittens will adjust quicker and smoother than an older cat. Especially if the environment happens to be a busy, crowed home.

Here are a few points that will help with the transforming environments for your new cat or kitten.

You will need to have a place for the cat or kitten to have of his or her own. This should be out away from the daily hustle of daily living. You will want to provide privacy for the cat or kitten when they need the privacy. Making the sleeping area comfortable, maybe with a pillow or two, soft blanket even something the cat or kitten used before to help them with the move.

You should put the cats litter box across the room from where they have their privacy. Cats will not sleep by their litter boxes. If the cat is use to a special kind of litter, you will want to try to keep using that particular band. If you are going to change the litter to a different type or brand, you will want to do this slowly. Mix small amounts of the new litter to the brand the cat or kitty are use to.

Place food and water dish as far away from the little box as you can. Preferably opposite site of the room as cats and kittens do not like to eat near the litter box. Another thing you may want to think about in the near future is that they do have self-feeding water and dry food dispensers for cats and kitten. The feeders do come in different sizes; this is helpful so that the new cat or kitten is not getting too much to eat. Over feeding, a pet is not healthy on the pet or on you. This is something that can be monitored and adjusted as the pet grows.

Place the cat in the room and let them explore the room with you in it. At this time, you will be able to bond with the cat as well as start training your new cat or kitten. Placing soiled litter in the box will also tell the kitty where to go or use catnip spray that is on the market this does the same thing. Show the new pet where the water is and food.

Allow the cat to look over everything in the room to be able to see the area they will be staying. Allow the cat to look out the window, check out the couch, chairs, and tables. If the cat or kitten appears that it is sleepy, allow them to do this you may want to move the cat or kitten to the sleeping area if they have fallen asleep some other place. You will want to move them to the sleeping area to have them know where the sleeping area is.

Allowing the cat or kitten on his or her own to explore the rest of the house or apartment would be beneficial. By leaving doors cracked so they can go explore the home to see the parts of the home that they will be living in. Leaving doors cracked open is something you will want to do, so that the new pet can explore.

Do not push kitty on the other family members or other family pets as this could be over whelming. Allow the cat or kitty to do this on his or her own time. Then Kitty will be able to use their own sense to introducing themselves to the family. Meeting the dog is now not a good time. You will want to contain him for a bit, until kitty gets use to the house, family, and environment. There will be plenty of time for the new cat or kitty to meet the dog and for the new cat or kitty to set the rules for the dog. This will take you to help set these rules up for them.

After the new cat or kitty has settled in with the environment, this is the time, step by step to start training. The first in training will be changing location on the sleeping, eating and litter box.

Patience, love, and showing your new cat or kitten that you care are the start of a great relationship.

About the author:

Tony Robinson is a webmaster, international author and cat lover. Visit his website at

 Tony Robinson

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