The Cat Website - All About Our Cat Friends

Treating Pets with Eye Medications

 To treat your pet's eyes with medication, try to following steps:

Gently tilt the head back so the eyes are looking at the ceiling.

Medicated Ointment:

Roll the lower eyelid out, forming a 'pocket', and place a small amount of ointment (1/8 to ¼ inch) along the inner edge of the eyelid. (If it seems easier, you can medicate the inner margin of the upper lid in a similar fashion.)

The ointment will liquefy quickly, coating the surface of the eye as the animal blinks.

Medicated drops:

Hold the dropper bottle at least one inch from the surface of the eye and let one drop fall onto the eye. Continue to hold the head up for about 5 - 10 seconds. Never allow the tip of the bottle to touch the surface of the eye - the remaining contents of the bottle could become contaminated.

The above is general veterinary information. Do not begin any course of treatment without consulting your regular veterinarian. All animals should be examined at least once every 12 months.

About the author:

Linda Mar Veterinary Hospital and its cat-only affiliate, Coastal Cat Clinic, are small animal practices located in Pacifica, California. To find a veterinarian or to learn more about the vet clinic and our staff, visit:[]

 Linda Mar Veterinary Hospital

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